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Ivy Lane School

Ivy Lane School


The school uniform is as detailed below and can be purchased online from a company called 'Mapac' - click here to go to their web site.

Please note that parents can have their school uniform orders delivered to school free of charge.   Please see Mapac's website for further details.

Second-hand uniform can be obtained from Chippenham Uniform Exchange at any time.  They have a shop that parents/carers can visit in Chippenham or uniform can be requested directly by email.  Visit their website, find them on Facebook or email  See further information below.



Grey trousers (or grey shorts in summer)
White shirt or white polo shirt
Grey or black socks
Black shoes
Grey skirt / pinafore dress or grey / grey trousers
Summer Dress - a simple style dress of green and white checked fabric
White blouse or white polo shirt
Grey/ black or white socks/tights
Black shoes
PE Kit
Black shorts and white t-shirt (or school logo house coloured t-shirt)
Daps (indoor PE) and trainers (outdoor PE)
A PE bag to hold kit (available from the school office)
Winter: children may have (in addition to the above) a dark sports sweater & long sports trousers during Terms 2-4 for outdoor PE only