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Ivy Lane School

Ivy Lane School

Sports Premium

Further information about the School PE & Sports Grant from the Dept for Education.

At Ivy Lane School we have always prided ourselves on the wide range of high quality activities that we provide to keep our children active and healthy. We promote a positive learning atmosphere so that all children participate in and enjoy PE and a more healthy life-style whilst maintaining a healthy approach to competition. We realise its potential for the promotion of ‘Learning for life’ skills that we believe can make a positive difference to the children’s lives.

At Ivy Lane we have targeted some of the Sports Premium funding on professional development, further training for teaching staff in areas of the PE curriculum in which they are less confident . Each Class teacher will get the opportunity to develop their skills and reflect upon their own practice over a 6 – 8 week programme using modelled, shared and observed teaching approaches.

As well as this opportunity to develop class learning, Ivy Lane prides itself on its extra-curricular sports provision. These include:

  • Netball
  • Football (KS1, KS2 & Girls)
  • Cricket (Summer Terms)
  • Various Dance - from cheerleading to Morris
  • Orienteering
  • Tag Rugby
  • Mini Rugby
  • Hockey
  • Athletics Club
  • Road Running Club
  • Olympic Throwing Club
  • Skateboarding
  • Swimming
  • Sticky Fingers (YR Dance & Movement)

We aim to promote ‘Healthy Competition’ by regularly entering inter-school competitions and playing fixtures against cluster schools. Our aim is to further develop this by building upon our annual sports day to include house competitions in a variety of different sports. Additionally we are keen to further explore the local community using local secondary schools and linking with community sports groups to further expand the clubs and sports available at Ivy Lane. We have links with: Chippenham Football Club, Chippenham Rugby Club, Chippenham Harriers, Corsham Running Club, The Olympiad Sports Centre, Bath Rugby Foundation and Swindon Sports Partnership.

Key purpose of the Sport Premium

The Government is providing additional funding to improve the quality of PE and sport for all children. The funding can only be spent on PE and sport provision in schools.

Possible uses for the funding include:

  1. Hiring specialist PE teachers or qualified sports coaches to work alongside primary teachers when teaching PE.
  2. New or additional Change4Life sport clubs.
  3. Paying for professional development opportunities in PE/sport.
  4. Providing cover to release primary teachers for professional development in PE/sport.
  5. Running sport competitions, or increasing participation in the Sainsbury’s School Games.
  6. Buying quality assured professional development modules or materials for PE/sport.
  7. Providing places for pupils on after school sport clubs and holiday clubs.

Academic Year 2015/16 


Ivy Lane School received a grant of £9,316 for primary school sports in the academic year 2014-15. We plan to use the funding in a number of different ways to support the provision of improved quality of sports and PE for all pupils. The governors of Ivy Lane have committed additional resources so the figures below are a part of the overall allocation.

Activities Selected Cost (£)
Weekly targeted sports coach sessions (PE Boost and PE Plus) £ 3,420
Lunchtime & house sports activities by sports coach £ 1,822
Real PE (a whole school approach to high quality PE) £ 1,845
Hockey, Squash & All Active Academy £ 386
Participation in Chippenham Games (Athletics) £ 233
Additional Swim Coach Sessions £ 527
Membership of Chippenham Cluster Sports Network £ 2,050
Sports Kit (mixed netball team) £ 307
Wild Summer (outdoor and adventurous activities week in the woods) £ 1,200
Total £11,790

CPD (Continued Professional Development)

PE Subject Leaders Development

Mr Prosser is our PE Subject Leader and attends regular meetings with the network of schools to share good practice and to provide training. Most recently this has covered assesment of PE, and the requirements for PE in the new National Curriculum plus feedback on the Premium Funding and the best ways to implement this.