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Ivy Lane School

Ivy Lane School

Clubs Booking Form Terms 3& 4 for Years 1 to 6

These are Teacher led clubs. All clubs are suitable for boys and girls and can be booked below.

Clubs will run from 3-4pm from week commencing Monday 13th January and will run for 4 weeks in Term 3 and 4 weeks in Term 4 with the last week of clubs taking place week commencing 17th March.

The booking deadline for clubs is 3pm on Monday 9th December.

Due to the limited number of places available, clubs will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Please ensure that your child is prepared to commit to ALL sessions of the club that they have been allocated. You will be notified via text message by Friday 13th December.

After School Club staff will collect children at 4pm from clubs.

Absence: Please also ensure that you inform school if your child will be absent from any club they are booked on as they are still registered in school until 4pm on those days.