Vision and Values
Our School Vision
At Ivy Lane School we believe in ‘Learning for Life’. We aim to equip every child with both the skills to be successful beyond their primary years and a life-long appetite for learning.
We aim to achieve this by:
- Having high expectations of all children in their learning
- Promoting high standards of behaviour & the school values
- Providing opportunities for parental partnership & involvement
- Valuing high attendance
- Offering a broad & balanced curriculum with a local, national & global focus
- Aiming for all our children to be competent readers and read for pleasure
- Harnessing technology to support learning
- Promoting sports and healthy lifestyles
- Teaching ‘Learning for Life’ skills
- Giving all children the opportunity to experience the arts & the ‘natural world’
- Utilising the local and wider community to encourage ‘out of class’ learning
- Providing opportunities for all our pupils to be active citizens within the school & wider community
This vision was agreed between the pupils (School Council), parents (Parent Forum), staff and governors of Ivy Lane School in 2012/13.
Our School Values
At Ivy Lane School we prioritise the following four values. We...
Value Learning
- By being open-minded
- By rising to challenges
- By valuing different skills and knowledge
Value Others
- By being a good team player (and citizen)
- By caring and sharing
- By respecting others (beliefs, ideas and feelings)
Value the Environment
- By caring for our school
- By appreciating the natural world
- By respecting the local environment
Value Ourselves
- By looking after ourselves (including on the internet)
- By having good manners & being honest
- By trying our best
These values were agreed between the pupils (School Council), parents (Parent Forum), staff and governors of Ivy Lane School in 2012/13.