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Ivy Lane School

Ivy Lane School

Payments Online and Parent/Carer Communication


Our online system makes contact with parents/carers more efficient and provides a full audit trail, enabling payments to the school to be made more securely, quickly and easily either via the web or your mobile phone.   

To log in to the Ivy Lane payments site, please click:

Trips - payments for trips are made on-line through the SchoolMoney system.  Letters informing parents/carers about school trips will be sent home via email.  When a trip is set up on SchoolMoney parents are sent a unique password which is used to log into accounts along with mobile number and email address.

School Dinners - payments for school dinners are paid via the SchoolMoney system.  Dinners should be booked and paid for on line 1 week in advance.  If your child is in receipt of Pupil Premium, or is eligible for Universal Free School Meals (Reception, Year 1 and 2), please ensure that you still book your dinners even if you do not pay for them.

Wraparound Payments

Please ensure that Breakfast Club and Ivy Kidz Afterschool Club sessions are booked and paid for two weeks in advance. There is an option to upload any amount you wish onto your SchoolMoney account.  Please visit the school office to ask for help on how to do this if you are unsure.  Any credits will be carried forward and used to pay for future meals/sessions. 

School Communication System

Ivy Lane School use the Teachers2Parents system to send out all electronic communications to parents/carers including our weekly newsletter, general letters to parents and also text messages giving more instant news and information about life and events at Ivy Lane School.  We recommend that parents/carers using a mobile device download the Teachers2Parents App as this is easier to manage for booking dinners, wraparound sessions and paying for trips etc. 

We do, however, need to have an up-to-date e-mail address and mobile phone number in our system to be able to do this, so please make sure the office have the correct details for you.

Office Telephone Number: 01249 652 556.

Admin Office e-mail: