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Ivy Lane School

Ivy Lane School

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Mrs Katie Burton is the Senco at Ivy Lane Primary school. She is in school every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and can also be contacted via email:


Under the SEND Code of Practice (DfE, 2014), a child is deemed to have Special Educational Needs or Disabilities, or SEND, if he or she has ‘significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age’, or his or her disability ‘prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in a mainstream school’. Special educational provision is needed for him or her, over and above that which can be met through high quality classroom teaching and differentiation.

Broad areas of need are identified as:

* communication and interaction;

* cognition and learning;

* social, emotional and mental health difficulties;

* sensory and/or physical needs.

They may be for a short period or throughout a child’s educational life. They may be identified before a child has even entered school or they may come to be recognised at a specific point in their education.

What is the SEND Code of Practice?

The SEND Code of Practice sets out statutory guidance for schools.  A revised SEND Code of Practice was implemented in September 2014, with the main aim of developing better partnerships between children, parents/carers, educational settings, health professionals and social care.

The revised SEND code of practice can be downloaded by clicking here.

In accordance with our Equal Opportunities and SEN Policies, (see links below), we endeavour to give all children at Ivy Lane School full access to the National Curriculum/Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.

Ivy Lane Primary School is proud of the work it does to support all of our pupils, including those with SEND.  Throughout the school, we build self-esteem with positive learning experiences and by successfully involving all children with whole school life. We celebrate the fact that all children are different and have diverse needs and we make sure that we tailor learning opportunities to meet the needs of individual children. We aspire to enable children with SEN to access and engage with all aspects of the curriculum, and develop the skills and knowledge to achieve, succeed and even excel beyond their potential across all areas of the curriculum.

teaching team

Our staff, across the school, have a wealth of experience and we recognise that quality first teaching is of paramount importance to ensuring the best possible outcomes for pupils with SEND. We also have a range of specific interventions designed to meet the differing needs of pupils and children may take part in a single, or many different interventions. Movement in and out of these programmes is flexible and responsive to pupil need. Differentiated learning is supported by our team skilled and trained teaching assistants (TAs). Pupil progress is tracked and evaluated regularly as part of an ‘assess, plan, do review’ cycle.

effective partnerships

At Ivy Lane Primary School, we actively encourage a team approach to supporting children with SEND.  We recognise that children’s needs are most effectively met by working in collaboration with parents to secure the best outcomes for their child.  This takes many forms for example individual review meetings, My Support Plan meetings, multi-agency meetings, home-school liaison books or simply a quick telephone call or email.

We are also fortunate to have excellent relationships with the local authority SEN Advisory Team (SENSS), the Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapists (SALTS) and Occupational Therapists (OT) who work in partnership with us to support our pupils with SEND.  We also collaborate closely with the SEND Lead Workers at the Local Authority.

wiltshire parent carer council

The Wiltshire Parent Carer Council is an independent, voluntary organisation which is managed and run by parent carers, for parent carers.  They have a membership in excess of 1600 parent carers across Wiltshire whose children range in age (0-25yrs) and in the type of special educational needs and/or disabilities they have. These include mental health, physical, sensory, learning, communication, challenging behaviour, autistic spectrum disorders and health conditions that require complex care.

other useful websites

Please see link below which will direct you to a range of support across all areas of speical needs and this is updated regularly:

Click on this link to access the Padlet which offers a range of support.

SEN documents

SEND Information Report

The revised Code of Practice requires schools to publish information on their websites about the provision for pupils with SEND. 

Ivy Lane School Additional Needs Policy

This school policy is updated annually and is to be read in conjunction with both the SEND information Report and relevant policies.

Wiltshire’s Local Offer

The revised Code of Practice also requires Local Authorities to publish the ‘Local Offer’, which sets out the full range of provision for children with SEN and disabilities in the local area. Wiltshire’s Local Offer can be found by clicking here.