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Ivy Lane School

Ivy Lane School

Reading Bands


Hold books the right way up and turn the pages correctly.

Understand that books carry meaning.

Show interest in the pictures.

Identify features of the pictures.

Describe what is happening in the pictures with reference to where it is happening, who is involved and what they are doing.

Begin to tell own simple story using ‘book language’ (‘one day’, ‘after that’, ‘then’)


Application of phase 2 phonics – identifying single sounds.

Begin to recognise and read phase 2 tricky words.

Begin to sound and blend CVC words with increasing independence, speed and accuracy.

Match words 1:1 with accuracy.

Use the illustrations to access the text and to give more detail to the story.

Link the story to own experiences.

Begin to read whole sentences with reasonable pace when familiar with the text.


Begin to apply phase 3 phonic knowledge including some vowel digraph knowledge.

Sound and blend CVC, CVCC and CCVC words with increasing speed and accuracy.

Read phase 2 and 3 tricky words by sight.

Continue to talk about the story and to link it to own experiences.

Track print accurately, pointing if necessary.

Read whole sentences with reasonable pace when familiar with a text.


Use and apply knowledge from phonics phase 3 and 4.

Track the text with eyes, using finger pointing only at points of difficulty.

Segment and blend unfamiliar words then re-read whole word.

Recognise and read phase 3 and 4 tricky words.

Self-correct using picture and text clues to support.

Begin to take note of punctuation – fullstops.

Make plausible predictions about what might happen next.

Be able to give a basic retelling of what has been read.

Read whole sentences with good pace.

Begin to link what they have read to other texts.


Increasingly recognise and apply phase 5 phonic knowledge.

Self-correct from the context of the text.

Begin to work out unfamiliar words by thinking about what would make sense.

Be able to ‘chunk’ a two syllable word into small recognisable parts.

Begin to take note of punctuation (fullstops and exclamation marks) and use these to add expression when reading.

Read sentences with good pace and link them to following sentences with increasing fluency and phrasing.

Continue to segment and blend aloud when necessary.

Be able to answer general recall questions about a text.

Make plausible predictions about what might happen next.

Be able to recognise a non-fiction text.


Continue to recognise and apply phase 5 phonic knowledge including alternative grapheme sounds.

Segmenting and blending much less – only when necessary to decode an unfamiliar word.

Begin to attempt some unfamiliar words by thinking about what would make sense.

Self-correct with speed and independence from the context of the text.

Read longer sections of text without losing your place.

Take note of fullstops, exclamation marks and question marks to add expression when reading.

Be able to maintain good pace and fluency through whole sentences, linking them together well.

Be able to order events in a story and answer specific questions about character and plot.

Make plausible predictions about what might happen next.

Recognise a non-fiction text and understand that this can be read in a different way,  ie not cover to cover, but by picking different aspects of interest.


Continue to use and apply all phonic knowledge to read with independence.

Be able to recognise if it is a fiction or a non-fiction and say how you know.

Read sentences fluently with good pace and continue to link them together well.

Use punctuation to read with expression (.  ? !)

Self-correct with speed and independence from the context of the text.

Be able to order the events of a story and begin to draw on basic inference skills  (picture based) to answer questions about characters’ thoughts and feelings.

Give an opinion about what has been read.

Make plausible predictions about what might happen next.

 Continue to attempt some unfamiliar words by thinking about what would make sense.


Continue to use and apply all phonic knowledge to read with independence.

Recognise and adapt the reading style needed for fiction and non-fiction texts.

Read fluently through shorter and longer sentences with good pace.

Use punctuation to read with expression (.  , ? !)

Self-correct with speed and independence from the context of the text.

Be able to read and decode more complex words.

Be able to order the events of a story and predict what will happen next.

Be able to explain what a character is thinking and feeling from the pictures and text.

Give an opinion about what has been read and say why you think that.

Solve more unfamiliar words by reading around the word in a sentence.


Be able to recognise the structure of non-fiction and fiction texts.

Read accurately and fluently with a rapid pace.

Use punctuation to read with expression (. , ? !)

Begin to understand the meaning of unfamiliar words by reading around the word in the sentence.

Have the ability to read silently.

Correct inaccurate reading and be able to explain why you did this.

Predict what you think will happen next in a story and explain why you think this.

Be able to look at what a character is saying and doing in the text to explain what they are thinking and feeling.

Give an opinion about a text and share different reasons why you think that. 


Locate information in non-fiction texts.

Read accurately and fluently with rapid pace

Use punctuation to read with expression (. , ? ! ( ))

Solve the meaning of some unfamiliar words by gaining understanding from the text around the word.

Know where inverted commas are and use some character voices for expression.

Read silently most of the time.

Correct inaccurate reading and be able to explain why you did this.

Predict what might happen on the basis of what has been read so far.

Give a reasoned opinion about a text and start to identify the ideal audience of the text.

Be able to look at what a character is saying and doing in the text to explain what they are thinking and feeling.


Locate information in non-fiction texts.

Sustain reading by regularly finishing whole books.

Read accurately and fluently with rapid pace

Use punctuation to read with expression (. , ? ! ( ))

Know where inverted commas are and use some character voices for expression.

Read silently most of the time.

Monitor accuracy of own reading by checking it makes sense and re reading if necessary.

Be able to order the events of a story in a longer text.

Solve the meaning of some unfamiliar words by gaining understanding from the text around the word.

Be able to find the meaning of unfamiliar words in a book and then explain these to others.

 Spot words that have the following spelling patterns in the book:


add s

sh,x > es

y > ies

f > ves


un, dis, de, mis, non, re, pre, il, ir, in, im, anti, ex, co, auto,


er, est, ly, ful, less, ment, ness, sure, ture, ation, ous, ing/ed


Predict accurately what might happen on the basis of what has been read so far.

Give a reasoned opinion about a text and explain how it makes you feel as a reader.

Identify a theme in a text


Use non-fiction features to help me find information efficiently.

Sustain reading by regularly finishing whole books.

Read accurately and fluently with rapid pace

Use punctuation to read with expression (. , ? ! ())

Know where inverted commas are and consistently use character voices for expression

Read silently most of the time.

Monitor accuracy of own reading by checking it makes sense and re reading if necessary.

Be able to order the events of a story in a longer text (only including the key information)

Solve the meaning of some unfamiliar words by gaining meaning from the text around the word.

Be able to find the meaning of unfamiliar words in a book and then explain these to others.

Identify the same theme across a range of texts.

Spot words that have the following spelling patterns in the book:


add s

sh,x > es

y > ies

f > ves


un, dis, de, mis, non, re, pre, il, ir, in, im, anti, ex, co, auto,


ful ing/ed, less, ment, ness, sure, ture, tion, sion, ssion, cian, 


Be able to look at what a character is saying, doing and how characters are described in the text to explain what they are thinking and feeling.

Give a reasoned opinion about a text and explain how it makes them feel as a reader.

Accurately predict what might happen next from details and events in a text.


Retrieve information accurately from a non-fiction text. 

Find examples of fact and opinion within my reading. 

Read accurately and fluently with rapid pace.

Sustain reading by regularly finishing different types of text e.g. non-fiction, fiction, modern and older fiction.

Use punctuation to read with expression (. , ? ! () …)

Know where inverted commas are and consistently use character voices for expression

Read silently most of the time.

Be able to make summaries, in order of events as they happened in the text.

Solve the meaning of some unfamiliar words by gaining meaning from the text around the word.

Be able to find the meaning of unfamiliar words in a book and then explain these to others.

Be able to spot the use of similes, metaphors and onomatopoeia within a text.

Monitor accuracy of own reading by checking it makes sense and re reading if necessary.

Identify changes in character feelings across a text.

Predict accurately from details and events in a text – using more than one piece of evidence in their answer.

Give a reasoned opinion about a text and explain the audience it is best suited to.

Spot words that have the following spelling patterns in the book:


add s

sh,x > es

y > ies

f > ves


auto, bi, tele, circ, trans, pro, sus, sub


sure, ture, tion, sion, ssion, cian, cious, tious, cial, tial,



Retrieve information accurately from a non-fiction text. 

Find examples of fact and opinion within my reading. 

Read accurately and fluently with rapid pace

Sustain reading by regularly and finishing different types of text e.g. non-fiction, fiction, modern and older fiction.

Use punctuation to read with expression (. , ? ! () … : ;)

Know where inverted commas are and consistently use character voices for expression

Read silently most of the time.

Monitor accuracy of own reading by checking it makes sense and re reading if necessary.

Be able to make summaries, in order of events as they happened in the text.

Be able to find the meaning of unfamiliar words in a book and then explain these to others.

Solve the meaning of some unfamiliar words by gaining meaning from the text around the word.

Be able to spot the use of similes, metaphors and onomatopoeia within a text and explain the effect of these on the readers feelings. 

Identify changes in character, atmosphere and mood across a text.

Predict accurately from details and events in a text – being able to explain alternatives for why something could happen.

Provide well justified views about a text and explain the audience that it is best suited to.

Spot words that have the following spelling patterns in the book:


add s

sh,x > es

y > ies

f > ves


un, dis, de, mis, non, re, pre, il, ir, in, im, anti, ex, co, auto,


ful ing/ed, less, ment, ness, sure, ture, tion, sion, ssion, cian, 



Retrieve information accurately from a non-fiction text.  

Find examples of fact and opinion within my reading. 

Read accurately and fluently with rapid pace

Sustain reading by regularly and finishing different types of text e.g. non-fiction, fiction, modern and older fiction.

Use punctuation to read with expression (. , ? ! () … : ;)

Know where inverted commas are and consistently use character voices for expression

Read silently most of the time.

Be able to make summaries, in order of events as they happened in the text.

Monitor accuracy of own reading by checking it makes sense and re reading if necessary.

Solve the meaning of some unfamiliar words by gaining meaning from the text around the word.

Be able to find the meaning of unfamiliar words in a book and then explain these to others.

Be able to spot the use of similes, metaphors and onomatopoeia within a text and explain the effect of these on the reader’s feelings. 

Ask questions about what they have read and explore the answers.

Identify changes in character, atmosphere and mood across a text.

Predict accurately from details and events in a text – being able to explain alternatives for why something could happen.

Provide well justified views about a text and explain how this makes them feel.

Spot words that have the following spelling patterns in the book:


add s

sh,x > es

y > ies

f > ves


un, dis, de, mis, non, re, pre, il, ir, in, im, anti, ex, co, auto,


ful ing/ed, less, ment, ness, sure, ture, tion, sion, ssion, cian,